Global labels... a =$0057 stdout =$9069 stdin =$9066 base =$c800 cleanup =$c84e die =$c848 init =$c8e8 ------------------------------------------------------------ *** FILE ".tee.0" base: ; tee v2.0 @1#0 @1#1 @1#2 @1#0 ; 64 stack 87..88 zeropage @1#64 @1#87 @1#2 @1#0 a=#87 ; pointer to start @1$1c @2$40 use3;null1;null2;null3;null4;null5 jmp userbreak jmp killedparent use3;null8;null9;null10;null11 use3;null12;null13;null14;null15 text "tee" @1#0 use4;null start: lda #>base jsr $9051 jmp 64738 userbreak: killedparent: die: jsr cleanup jmp $901b cleanup: lda base+4 beq skip jsr $ffcc lda #1 jsr $ffc3 ldx #0 jsr $9042 cl i skip: rts stdout=$9069 stdin=$9066 #add teelab a stdout stdin base cleanup die #next tee.1 ------------------------------------------------------------ *** FILE ".tee.1" ; tee.1 #include teelab strout=$905d lock=$903f unlock=$9042 pipechk=$906f st=#144 use2;fname use1;flen use1;flag use1;hlp pjp ovv howto.txt:text "usage-" @1#13 text " tee {-a}{-e} file{" @1#44 text "type}" @1#13 text " type=p" @1#44 text "u or s (default)" @1#13 text " a append to file" @1#13 text " e echo to stdout" @1#13 @1#0 iofault.txt: text "tee" @1#58 text " io-error" @1#13 @1#0 use1;flgs ovv: gnxc: iny beq howto lda (a),y beq howto rts init: lda base+8 beq howto sta fname+1 sta a+1 ldy #0 sty flgs sty a il0: gnxc cmp #32 beq il0 cmp #asc("-") bne gfnam gnxc il1: cmp #asc("a") beq isapar cmp #asc("e") beq isepar howto: ldx base+3 jsr strout bit howto.txt jmp $901b isapar: lda #64 @1$2c isepar: lda #128 ora flgs sta flgs jmp il0 gfnam: sty fname ; set file typeat the end nxx: iny beq howto lda (a),y bne nxx dey dey lda (a),y iny iny cmp #44 beq typok lda #44 sta (a),y iny lda #asc("s") sta (a),y iny lda #0 sta (a),y typok: lda #44 sta (a),y iny lda #asc("w") bit flgs bvc spp0 lda #asc("a") spp0: sta (a),y sty flag iny lda #0 sta (a),y tya se c sbc fname sta flen jmp go go: ; wait fordata at stdin jsr getchar pha ; open file for writing ldx #0 lock cl i lda flen ldx fname ldy fname+1 jsr $ffbd lda #1 ldx #8 ldy #2 jsr $ffba jsr $ffc0 bcs iofault ; nexttime it will be append ldy flag lda #asc("a") sta (a),y ldx #1 jsr $ffc9 bcs iofault pla lp: jsr $ffd2 bcs iofault lda st bne iofault ldx base+1 jsr pipechk bcs weg beq emtpy gnx: jsr getchar jmp lp iofault: ldx base+3 jsr strout bit iofault.txt weg: jmp die emtpy: lda #8 sta hlp llp: jsr $9012 ldx base+1 jsr pipechk bcs weg bne gnx dec hlp bne llp jsr cleanup jmp go getchar: jsr stdin bcs weg bit flgs bpl geted cmp #4 beq weg jsr stdout bcs weg geted: rts @1#2 #add teelab init #next Written by Poldi 17.3.1996 <(dan.da at>