LUnix-Assembler (luna)

version: Feb 18 2000

Many people would like to write some code for the little C64/128 but don't have the equipment to do so. So i decided to write a small (and therefore very portable) assembler in a subset of ansi-C. This assembler compiles without modifications on every (GNU-) C-compiler.

Additional this assembler is optimized to generate LUnix-applications. This is done by including a LUnix-binary-header-generator. This is why all new LUnix-applications will be in luna-format. Also the next version of the LUnix-kernel will be in this format (4400 lines yet! :-)

The sourcecode is around 1800 lines of C.

If you have compiled luna on an other system, especially systems that come without a c-compiler, please email me the executable, to include it here.

How to use luna:

Luna just assembles a source (text) file into a destination (binary) file which is executable on a C64/128. There is no editor included! The inputfile may be written with every text-editor that saves files in plain ascii-format.

There is also a ascii-documentation file

Source-format: (look into the ascii documentation for more)

A simple example

The classic example is the "Hello World"-program, so this is my first example for luna also.

This is the sourcecode located in a file named "hello.a" :

  ; This is a simple "hello world" program
  ; for LUnix

  .header "hello"                ; "hello" is the name that will be displayed
                                 ; by "ps" in LUnix

          strout equ $905d       ; value of the 2 used system-vectors
          bye    equ $9018
          stdout equ _base+2     ; _base is startadress of codesegment
                                 ; and will be initialized by the assembler.

  _init:  ldx  stdout            ; load standard output-stream-ID
          jsr  strout            ; call "string output"
          bit  text_hello        ; pass text-pointer to strout 

          lda  #0                ; exitcode 0 (no error)
          jmp  bye               ; end program

          .endofcode             ; end of code

          .asc "Hello, world!\n\0"

Running the assembler by typing "luna hello.a hello" will produce this output:

> luna hello.a hello Pass 1 Pass 2 Final pass note: ignored unused system vector "_sig.userbreak" note: ignored unused system vector "_sig.killedparent" note: ignored unused system vector "_sig.killedchild" note: ignored unused system vector "_cleanup" done, 6 labels, 41 bytes labelspace, 102 bytes of code > _

This is the code generated by luna (in file "hello"):

The lines marked with "*" are generated automatically by luna, they realize the header that Lunix needs to load and run a program.

* FF FF (Pseodo-Startaddress for load) *$1000) 00 01 01 00 C8 D9 00 00 1C 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 ;....HY...@...... *$1010) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ;................ *$1020) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ;................ *$1030) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 68 65 6C 6C 6F 00 00 00 ;........HELLO... *$1040) LDA #$10 *$1042) JSR $9051 *$1045) JMP $1048 ($1048) LDX $1002 ($104B) JSR $905D ($104E) BIT $1057 ($1051) LDA #$00 ($1053) JMP $9018 ($1056) 02 (end of code) ($1057) 68 45 4C 4C 4F 2C 20 57 4F 52 4C 44 21 0D 00 ;Hello, world!.

The program "hello" can now be started by the LUnix-shell by just typing "hello":

@> hello Hello, world! @> _

If you have suggestions or comments contact me