NAME xargs - build and execute command lines from standard input SYNTAX xargs [-ct] [-l max-lines] DESCRIPTION This manual page documents the LUnix version of xargs. xargs reads arguments from the standard input, delimited by blanks or newlines, and executes the command one or more times with any initial-arguments followed by arguments read from standard input. OPTIONS -c Cache command code, to speed up execution, when the command has to be executed many times. -t Print the command line on the standard error output before executing it. -l max-lines Use at most max-lines input lines per command line; max-lines defaults to 255 if omitted. RESTRICTIONS Xargs might cause a dead-lock if in cache-mode and the command to big to fit twice in main memory. The created argument list is limited to 254 characters including spaces. EXAMPLES xargs -cl1 @:echo Will call echo for every input line on standard input. xargs @:echo collected: Will call echo once with all text read from standard input until CTRL+d or EOF and the string "collected:" in front. begin 644 xargs M__\``00`Q-D$`!Q````````````````````````````````````````````` M`````````````````%A!4D=3````J1`@49!,2!"M"!#P/87:H`"$V`V$$HV$$EA,11')!/#OR0WP$Y';R-#AK@,0(%V0+'L3 MJ?\@&)"I(,Z9$]#FJ0"1VZ7MEQ,@