How to use the LUnix-net-driver : ================================= What do i need to run this net-driver ? - You should have at least one C64/128 (but you'll have much more fun,if there are more that just only one C64) - Of course you need LUnix_v0.1p2 ! and the following files : "net.drv","rshserv","rsh","netstat" you can get all of them (and even more) by anonymous ftp... /pub/poldi/LUnix/lunix_v0.1/... (i'll add the 4 'net-files' to this article) - And you need a suitable cable ! (if you use more than 1 C64 :) You have to connect (at least) GND,PB0,PB1,PB2,PB3,PB6 (all from the C64's userport) of all C64, the software enables up to 6 C64 in the net. *** if you have only one discdrive you'll need a switch to connect/ disconnect one of the pins to ground (eg. PB0). Use a little resistor (about 470-1000 Ohms) to connect the certain pin to ground. If the connection is swiched 'ON' all the communication between the computer is disabled. How to start it : - First unplug all the computers and discdrives/monitors... - Then connect the userport-pins (you should try to connect the GND-pin first) *** only one discdriver: connect the GND to the discdrive (!),to prevent damage when connecting/disconnecting it to one computer after an other later. - Now shitch them all on - Load and start LUnix, press 'add a session' ,type 'net.drv X' X is the ID of the certain computer.The ID is a number from 1..6 (don't use the same ID twice !) Then enable logins from other computer to this computer by starting the remote-shell-server process by typing 'rshserv -v &' (-v is not neccessary). <-do this with every computer you have connected . Thats it ! The net is now active. You can use the net to execute shells on other (or the local) computer. just type 'rsh X' (X- is the ID of a certain computer, that is connected with the local computer) and you should get a 'remote shell' from that computer to work with :) The actual 'rshserv' process enables up to 4 remote-logins at a time (it doesn't matter from what computer you are calling) Type 'exit' to logout again. *** only one discdrive: You can use one of the computer to work as server (this will be the only computer with a discdriver later) You just have to start 'rsh's on the other computer in direction to the server. But how to do that if there is only on discdriver available ? That what's the mentioned shitch is for ! Switch 'ON' (and block all net actions),then connect the discdrive the one of the other computer and type 'rsh Y' (Y is the servers ID) connect to the next computer...and so on...then connect the discdrive to the 'server' and switch 'OFF' !...... If you have questions...or something else let me know ! bye Daniel