---------------Cut Here for the documentation------------ VDCTTY v0.1 C128 VDC SCREEN TTY DRIVER ---------------------------------------- by Ilker Ficicilar - February 1997 filker@newton.physics.metu.edu.tr e068214@orca.ccmetu.edu.tr This vdctty filter command is coded as a LUnix command of LUnix OS. If someone executes the LUnix in the C64 mode of his C128, maybe he/she wants to use 80 column screen of C128. And this is what the 'vdctty' is for. The first thing 'vdctty' does is to initialize the VDC screen to 25 rows, 80 columns, monochrome text mode, and underlined blinking cursor. After initialization, it enters in a loop of getting petscii characters from its input pipe and printing them to VDC screen. The 'vdctty' terminates if the pipe no more exists. To use it, add 'vdctty' command's name 'vdctty' to the end of your commands with a piping char: '!'. For example: sh0.exe ! vdctty above command-structure opens a new shell as foreground process and directs its output to VDC screen. ed ! vdctty this invokes the ED editor and prints its output to VDC screen. cat ! vdctty prints given petscii text file to the 80 columns VDC screen atkeyb ! sh0.exe ! vdctty & this Dragon loads the PC-AT keyboard driver, redirects its output to a shell and again directs the output of shell to the VDC 80column screen as a background process. Then it returns to the parent shell, and permits you and your friend to use same C128 with different keyboards and monitors. note: 'atkeyb' is partially completed for now, and will not be released soon. Currently 'vdctty' only uses TTY type print option. That is you can't use up and down cursor keys, home key doesn't mean anything and clearscreen puts the cursor in the bottom line again. You can use left, right, delete and return keys as control keys. And you may print only petscii characters. Furthermore, if you do not want to use 40 column screen any more, you can use 'fast128' or 'fast' commands to speed the machine a little bit. Fast128 switches to 2MHz mode, and 'fast' closes the VIC screen. As a final note; I wrote this document, using 'sh0.exe ! vdctty' , 'fast128' and 'ed'. Ilker Ficicilar --- -----------------------End of VDCTTY Documentation----------------- -------------Cut here for the Uuencoded vdctty---------------------- begin 644 vdctty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