Hi, I enclosed a little utility to speed the 1541 a little bit. More information can be found in my web page: http://newton.physics.metu.edu.tr/~filker/cbm.html see you, Ilker, -------------cut here for the documentation-------- FASTHEAD: DISK UTILITY TO SPEED UP THE TRACK SWEEPING ----------------------------------------------------- The "fasthead" basic program is responsible to prepare "&fasthead" USR file in the disk. After execution, it will read the data statements and prepare the utility command with additional information. If the "&fasthead" file is successfully written, you can use it with several methods and from the all available CBM OSs. with C64 basic v2.0 : open1,8,15,"&fasthead":close1 with a dos wedge : @&fasthead from the LUnix : disk &fasthead from the ACE : @ &fasthead Besides the above methods, you can execute it from a program's "sending disk command" option. Also note to use it with C1571, it has to be in the C1541 emulation mode, otherwise you get error. It's very simple but effective, especially if you have too much files in a disk. Also you can put necassary command into the .initrc file of LUnix or ACE to make your life even easier. For example if you are using LUnix, you can enter the following lines into the .initrc file: first load and run the ed command from the command line shell: @>ed then at the ':' prompt enter the file name by 'f' command :f .initrc now you can enter the necassary lines into that file: :i from now on you are in the text entry mode of ED. so type the following as an example: #!@:sh0.exe disk &fasthead cbmkeyb ! sh0.exe and by entering a single dot '.' exit from this mode: . now you are in the command mode again, so type 'x' to write the file exit to command shell: :x From now on whenever you load the LUnix '&fasthead' will be active automatically. Of course if you installed new init.exe . by: Ilker Ficicilar - filker-at-newton.physics.metu.edu.tr ---------end of documentation------- ----------cut here for the uuencoded fasthead basic installer----- begin 644 fasthead M 0@K" $ CR @(" @1D%35$A%040@15A!35!,12!&3U(@(" @(" @(" @+@!W M" ( CR @(" @(" @(%1(12!54T%'12!/1B @(" @(" @(" @(" @(" @(" @ M(%5424Q)5%D@3$]!1$52($-/34U!3D0@*" "8,BS' M*$PI5"3'*$,I.P#""X( H#( R N, ( YPO( (,P+#,ZCR!,3R](22!35$%2 M5"!!1$1215-3 0,T@"/(" @+2TM(%!23T=204T@0T]$12 M+2T ' S< (,Q M-CDL,34L,30Q+#