Hi there, The basic file below makes your Lunix system disk bootable with a C128. The program writes the boot block to track 1 sector 0 of the last accessed disk-drive or drive #8 . For more please check this URL: http://newton.physics.metu.edu.tr/~filker/cbm.html bye, Ilker -------------------cut here for autolunix documentation--------- AUTOBOOT DISK MAKER FOR LUNIX-V0.1p4 AND C128 --------------------------------------------- The 'autolunix' program is a basic v2.0 program which makes the disk of LUnix OS bootable. Its usage is simple. Just load autolunix basic file and run it. It will check the boot sector, whether it is allocated or not. If the boot block (track 1 sector 0) is not free, it stops with prompting you the situation. If you don't bother to loose data or you do know what you're doing, typing "cont" continues the process. After succesfully writing of the boot-block, you can test it by pressing the reset button of your C128, while the boot disk is in the drive #8 . If there is no problem, the bootstrap code in the C128 firmware OS loads the boot-block into the $00b00 address, and executes the code presented in it. The code first loads the file "lunix.sys" with fast load routines of C128, then it writes the autostart information to the area of $8000. And finally it turns the 1571 into 1541 emulation mode and switches to C64 mode. The C64 firmware OS checks the autostart information, and following the pointers jumps to the $8009 address. The code at this location initializes the I/O and memory, deletes the autostart information and jumps to the $8c3a address which is starting address of LUnix OS. So that the LUnix will gain the control. Make use of it. Ilker Ficicilar --------------------end of autolunix documentation--------------- --------cut here for the uuencoded basic lunix-autobooter---------- begin 644 autolunix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